I'm secretly a ninja...but shhhhh.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

3:6:9 In the Sculpture Room

In order to begin using the new high res video cameras we have, our assignment was to film a certain shot from three different angles three times, resulting in a total of 9 shots. During the editing process, we could mix and match the clips however we please.

The clips I used for my 3:6:9 video were all close up shots that I shot without the use of a tripod. I really liked these cameras as I was able to play with the focus. I don't know if my shots look professional, however I think the shakiness and the focus movement created an abstract, cool looking affect.

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F[a_, L_, r_, s_, t_] := Table[ {-(r + s*Cos[t])^n*Sin[n*a], (r + s*Cos[t])^n*Cos[n*a]}, {n, 0, L}] V := {{1.45631, 556, .995, .003}, {2.94712, 502, .998, .001}, {4.50891, 485, .9955, .0025}, {4.9367, 630, .997, .002}} Table[ ListAnimate[ Table[ Graphics[ Polygon[ F[Part[Part[V, G], 1], Part[Part[V, G], 2], Part[Part[V, G], 3], Part[Part[V, G], 4], t]], PlotRange -> 1, ImageSize -> 250], {t, 0, 2 Pi, 2 Pi/40}]], {G,1,4,1}