I'm secretly a ninja...but shhhhh.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

P.S.A. Analysis

Hey Everyone! To get started on our own Public Service Announcements, we found other P.S.A.’s on Youtube and analysed them! If you want to go straight to the Youtube link, click here. Alright, I know this is a little late, but I was having some trouble uploading this, sorry Miss! Hope you enjoy it anyways :)

1. What is the main focus of the video?

The main focus of this video is to get across the point of racism, and how it’s something that shouldn’t, but still goes on in today’s society, in schools, on the streets, basically everywhere.

2. Describe how the video gets this point across.

This video gets the point across with the white kids and the Muslim girl, and it clearly shows the way the white kids are treating her. Not only do they pay no attention to her in the hallways, but one of them knocks her books down only because her skin colour is different, which is wrong and disgusting. Then when the other kids don’t do anything about it, the Muslim girl feels discriminated against, and, well she hates it. When she goes to pick up her books, the girl that knocks her books down probably realized what it felt like to be her, and goes back and helps. This shows that it only takes one person to make a change; even if it’s only for one person, it creates a movement, and this movement can spread, not just through your school, maybe even locally, or better yet, globally. Imagine just one person everywhere standing up against racism; a powerful movement is created and suddenly everyone is involved. This video gave me the idea of a movement like this, and that is why I think it is so powerful in sending its message across.

3. What techniques are used in the video to help convince the viewer of the point of the video.

There are several techniques that make this video much more convincing than it would’ve been without them. I think one of the main ones was the way this was all filmed and edited in black and white, as soon as the first shot came on and one saw the colourless feet walking, the mood was set, and it stayed consistent throughout the whole video. The camera angles also contributed to how powerful this video was. For example, when the girl was picking up her books how the camera was looking down on her, to make the viewer feel like they were in the place of the white kids, and how they could change this. And then the last shot with the two girls straight on, you could see how they were equal, and that they aren’t really different after all, these were just a few of the camera angles that I thought were really cool, but there were many more. Thirdly, I thought the music was another successful contribution. It went well with what was happening, because it was very soft, sad music, helping again with the mood of the video.

Overall, I think this video was very effective, and it is one of my favourite P.S.A.’s yet.

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