I'm secretly a ninja...but shhhhh.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

3:6:9 In the Sculpture Room

In order to begin using the new high res video cameras we have, our assignment was to film a certain shot from three different angles three times, resulting in a total of 9 shots. During the editing process, we could mix and match the clips however we please.

The clips I used for my 3:6:9 video were all close up shots that I shot without the use of a tripod. I really liked these cameras as I was able to play with the focus. I don't know if my shots look professional, however I think the shakiness and the focus movement created an abstract, cool looking affect.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Grid Pattern Photo: Daily Create #2

Assignment: Find a grid pattern somewhere. Make a photo of an interesting slice of it.

Once I read the assignment I'd been looking for different grid patterns that I may have not noticed before. The first photo shown is a slice of the brick wall at Wichwood Barns. I don't like this one as much as the second for several reasons. The shadows and angle throw me off in this picture and it's not as abstract as the assignment implies it should be. 

The second photo is just some grid patterned fabric that I re arranged and took several pictures of. I like this one much better than the first one as I was able to think of the idea for this more than the wall, and I was able to take more shots at different angles. I also think the second photo captured the abstract quality we were supposed to have. With the first one, you can tell there is a brick wall, however the second one requires a little more thought if you want to know what it is.

Overall, I am happy with both photographs, but I am most satisfied with the second. 

F[a_, L_, r_, s_, t_] := Table[ {-(r + s*Cos[t])^n*Sin[n*a], (r + s*Cos[t])^n*Cos[n*a]}, {n, 0, L}] V := {{1.45631, 556, .995, .003}, {2.94712, 502, .998, .001}, {4.50891, 485, .9955, .0025}, {4.9367, 630, .997, .002}} Table[ ListAnimate[ Table[ Graphics[ Polygon[ F[Part[Part[V, G], 1], Part[Part[V, G], 2], Part[Part[V, G], 3], Part[Part[V, G], 4], t]], PlotRange -> 1, ImageSize -> 250], {t, 0, 2 Pi, 2 Pi/40}]], {G,1,4,1}