I'm secretly a ninja...but shhhhh.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Movie Trailer Assignment

The first tech project of the year was to re make a movie trailer with a different soundtrack to change the mood.

Here is the original trailer:

When we first received this assignment, I wanted to use a well-known movie and change it up. I thought any Disney movie would work well as they are known for being family friendly and cute. I don't watch many horror films, so I did a bit of research and found that the clips were very quick and the clips cut each other off fairly quickly.  With that in mind, I searched for spooky clips that had an eerie feel to them and mashed them together. I wanted to change the plot a little, so I made Princess Jasmine look somewhat evil and have dual personalities, as I thought it would add an interesting twist to the original trailer. 
In terms of sound, I needed something with a faster tempo and eerie rather than slow and creepy. I think the song I found really worked with the clips, and the timing looked good to me as well. I used the voices at the beginning because I thought they would set the tone for the trailer and the movie, whereas in the original trailer the beginning was a series of clips from past Disney movies.
I arranged the clips in an attempt to show Jasmine’s evil side, but show a little of the other characters as well. One thing I struggled with for this project was coming up with a story line to go by. Usually a trailer will show the viewer a little of what the movie is about, but in terms of this aspect, I had quite a bit of trouble.
I think the two trailers ended up being very different from each other; the original is much more enchanting and cute, whereas the modified version is much spookier and less family orientated. Overall, this project was fairly simple and entertaining. It showed me just how much music can impact visuals, and how they work together to create the mood of a piece.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Inspiration for Spring Sensations.

Hey guys! During my research, I found quite a few time lapse videos of landscape, but I was thinking maybe something along the lines of a drawing or painting. Marydoodles is a youtube artist and she has TONS of time lapse drawings, check her out!

In terms of water balloon paints, I found this - it was cool how she put tape and then threw the water balloons, maybe this could work?

Anyway, this is what I found, if there's anything else I think is cool, I'll post it up!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Spinning Object Photograph: Daily Create #1

For my first blog post of my year 3 CyberARTS experience, we were told to 'take a picture of a spinning object.' I was thinking about the assignment outside while drinking some tea, and started mixing it with a spoon. I don't know if this qualifies as spinning, but it's swirling, does that count? In any case, this is what I came up with. The picture was taken on my phone (explaining the horrible quality) and I like the light reflection on the liquid. 
Later in the afternoon, I was spinning coins on my desk in attempt to elongate the time in which I wouldn't have to do any form of work, when I took out my phone and tried taking pictures again. It didn't work out too well, but here's the best one I could come up with:

Maybe I'll try this again one day with an actual camera, I enjoyed the concept in any case. 

F[a_, L_, r_, s_, t_] := Table[ {-(r + s*Cos[t])^n*Sin[n*a], (r + s*Cos[t])^n*Cos[n*a]}, {n, 0, L}] V := {{1.45631, 556, .995, .003}, {2.94712, 502, .998, .001}, {4.50891, 485, .9955, .0025}, {4.9367, 630, .997, .002}} Table[ ListAnimate[ Table[ Graphics[ Polygon[ F[Part[Part[V, G], 1], Part[Part[V, G], 2], Part[Part[V, G], 3], Part[Part[V, G], 4], t]], PlotRange -> 1, ImageSize -> 250], {t, 0, 2 Pi, 2 Pi/40}]], {G,1,4,1}